Thursday, June 30, 2011

The project is moving very quickly at this point. 

The new windows are almost complete on the top floor.


The skylights on top floor are nearly complete.DSCN5738

The Science room is framed and the roof decking is installed.

Photos of the high school hallway, commons area, and new windows.


Close up of tile on restroom walls on main floor.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Two of seven original windows that will remain in the building.  These will all face into the new addition.  They will become display cases when the work is completed.

The exterior framing is being installed on the new addition.    The lower part will be offices and the upper part is the railing for the green roof.

Drywall installation is almost complete on the top floor ,  taping and finish work has started.


One of several walls that are filled with the piping that will contain wires for new systems and technology for the building.

Sunday, June 5, 2011




The structural steel for the roof of the new addition is almost complete.  The area on the left is the ceiling of the new science lab.  The roof on the right is the ceiling of the media center and the patio cover outside the media center.DSC_0149




The roof line for the addition from the north looking south.DSC_0144


A teaching wall, the recessed area will house the interactive system for instruction. The silver box on the left is for the classroom control touch panel. DSC_0155



The steel for the new stairs from the main level of the media center to the lower level of the media center.