Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28, 2011

The demolition work is almost complete, framing work is being done on the top and main floor.  The utilities work is moving along, the sanitary sewer and the water line is complete. The fire line, the storm sewer and the electrical have all been started.


As part of the demolition a very unique treasure was uncovered, in 1996 the kitchen on the lower level was installed.  During the installation a CSDB staff member drew some caricatures of a few of our staff.  These were drawn on the wall behind the kitchen cabinets.


  Greg Burton                                Terry Barber                               Bruce Bock

Lower level now an then photos:

                NOW                                                               THEN


Monday, February 21, 2011

February 21, 2011


                             Then                                                                     Now


West Wall


North Wall

Several windows will become doors in the final project. The saw uses a very large diamond saw blade and water to keep it cool while cutting the concrete.  The wall measures 22 inches of solid concrete.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 16, 2011

Now that the demolition work is complete on the upper floor the next step is to frame the walls.  The process begins by carefully  measuring and marking the floor for the walls.  This is called laying out the walls. All the framing materials are metal rather than wood.  Then a “track” is connected to the floor using special nails and tool that can attach the sheet metal track to the concrete floor. The wall studs are attached to the floor track with screws. When all the framing is complete plumbing, electrical, communications, and other systems will be added before the sheetrock is attached.


Fasteners used to attach track to concrete    Tool used to shoot fasteners through track

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      Track attached to floor              


Wall studs attached to the floor track

Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14, 2011




This is the view from the new high school commons area.





In the process of digging the new sanitary sewer the contractor found  a large number of buried stones and brick.  These could have been part of the remains from the original school building after the fire.  Or they might be the remains from the Sloyd building that was on the campus in the early 1900s.  This building was located near this area.  Sloyd was  taught to elementary students as a precursor to vocational classes.


Sloyd was an educational method used in the late 1800’s into the early 1900’s, the training focused on elementary progressive paper, wood working or sewing projects. Increasing the students skills one step at a time.  CSDB appeared to have focused on the woodworking and sewing as preparation for more advanced vocational classes.



This is on the south end of the building, the contractor will be removing the windows and cutting in new openings where  the windows are now.  The openings will be used to get debris out of the basement.  After construction these doors will open to assessment rooms off of the speech language room.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 10, 2011


        BEFORE                                                                                NOW


Main floor looking south from center stair


Main floor looking north from center stair


Elevator on top floor


Center stair way from top floor


Center stair way from top floor

Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011

The demolition is underway on the main floor.


If you were ever curious what the glazed tile in
the hallways looked like inside and from the back.







The asbestos abatement is completed on the inside of the   building.  The outside work consists of removing the perimeter caulking from the windows.  This scissor lift is used to get to the upper windows. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2, 2011

Progress continues in three areas; demolition, abatement, and utilities.  The demolition is almost complete on the top floor and has begun on the main floor.  The abatement work  is complete on the top and middle floor, the abatement work is 70% complete on the bottom floor.  The utility work includes the new piping systems for the building.  This includes water, electric, gas, fire sprinkler supply, storm drainage, and waste water.



The south east stairway has to be removed,  the stairs were solid concrete laced with reinforcing bars – rebar.

This photo was taken from the main floor looking out the south east exterior door.





This photo is from the top floor landing looking down at the exterior door.






The back side of the elevator door from the partially demolished elevator shaft.





The main school office, the wall and closets that used to divide  the two offices is the pile on the floor.









The large blue machines are for cleaning the air as it is removed from the abatement area.  These are called negative air machines, also known as HOGS. 
These machines insure two things:
1. A negative air pressure is maintained inside the containment area compared to outside the containment. This prevents asbestos fibers from escaping the containment.
2.  They filter the air being removed from the area trapping asbestos fibers in special filters.