Thursday, March 17, 2011



This is a side view of the landing at the west entry door.  With the walls all removed you can see the stairs up to the main floor, the landing at the door and the tunnel that runs around the perimeter of the building under the lower floor.



Copper pipe is being installed in the ceiling to move heating and cooling water to heating and cooling units at each room.  The silver air duct will transport air from the same unit into each room.





This is the framing for the “teaching” wall.  There will be a  wall like this is in each classroom. When this wall is finished there will be white boards on each side of the interactive LCD TV.DSC_0045DSC_0049

This diamond blade saw is used to cut concrete. The concrete floor has to be removed on the lower level in small sections.  A trench is dug in the dirt to allow the plumbing pipes to be installed under the existing floor.


1 comment:

  1. I hope that you all will have an open house for the neighborhood. It's wonderful that such a prominent and historic building is right up the street, but I know nothing of the school (only that currently there are a LOT of construction trucks lining Institute). I would love to see it!


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